Technical Preparedness Check

Configuration Check

This webpage checks your device configuration and network connection for compatibility with Seven Springs Education’s tutoring technology (our Spring platform and Zoom). Any issue related to your current device and location will be identified with a red status icon   below and must be corrected before students join our lessons from your location. If all status icons are green  , then you’re ready for class!

 System requirements

The following describes your device's settings and whether they're compatible with Spring (our teaching platform).

Supported browser

You're running
This browser is supported. (note: Chrome provides optimum performance for Spring)

Seven Springs develops its services to be compatible with the latest and previous major version of the following web browsers unless otherwise stated:

  • Chrome (Windows and Mac)
  • Firefox (Windows and Mac)
  • Microsoft Edge (Windows)
  • Safari (Mac and iOS)


Cookies are enabled


Javascript is not enabled

 Required connections

The following describes your device's ability to connect to Spring.

Download Speed

 Zoom Application and Connection

The following requires you to download and test the connection to Zoom in your location.

  • Please download ( and install the Zoom app if it is not yet installed on this device.
  • Click on this link to join a Zoom meeting after you have installed the Zoom app. You may leave the meeting once you have successfully connected and joined the meeting
Check one of the following boxes to indicate your status.
I can’t install Zoom app
I can’t open the link and launch Zoom
I launched Zoom and joined the meeting successfully

 Report and Get Support

Fill in the details below and press submit to report the problem(s) you have met. Our colleague will get back to you within 1 business day.