Creative Ways to Get Kids Studying

As parents and educators, we know that sometimes, it can be tricky to get children studying or doing their homework. Throughout my time as an English Tutor, I have found that kids respond best to entertainment and creativity as a tool to engage them in their studies. Here are some of the most effective ways to get them working:

1. Play games
Games that promote focus and creativity are an excellent way to start off a study session. Educational charades, bingo, puzzles, scrabble, sudoku, etc. are great for this. You can even customize the games to a specific topic, which is a great way to prepare your child for what they’re about to study. Do a Google image search for ‘[subject] + game’ and ‘[subject] + puzzle’ and you’ll find plenty of printables for your child to enjoy.

2. Use the internet
With parental guidance and a time restriction, the internet is a great place to find engrossing educational resources. I especially like Fact Monster because they have extensive interactive games, worksheets, flashcards, etc. You can also check out National Geographic Kids and Khan Academy.

3. Get crafty
From a colouring task to origami, doing crafts can boost children’s enthusiasm and concentration (which they will need while studying). However, only spend about 5 to 15 minutes of their study time on crafts, as anything more can become counterproductive.

4. Compete (healthily) with your child
This works particularly well with older children who are competitive. Bring your laptop and work beside your child while they’re studying and race them to see who can finish first. This gives a great boost of motivation and a goal to look forward to. Also, you can promise a small reward if they win!

5. Reward them
Give your child a sense of achievement and appreciation by rewarding them in some way. For example, stick a (big) sticker sheet on a wall at home and every time your child completes their homework/study, put stickers on the sheet. Be consistent with the number of stickers you give them. You can give a bigger reward (book, toy, etc.) once your child meets sticker target.

I hope that the tips that are helpful in motivating your child to study. Every child is unique and the important thing is to discover what your child likes and choose the strategies that work best accordingly! Your child’s teachers will have great ideas about what specific thing works for your kid, so don’t forget to ask them as well.