How to Fight Online Learning Fatigue

Are you still taking classes online or watching educational video content? Our tutors are highly experienced in teaching students online and have conducted online classes in subjects from English to Science to History. If you’re struggling to focus in your online classes, read on to find out what our tutors recommend to keep you excited and engaged in online classes.

Be Engaged

When we feel tired, we don’t usually want to go for a run. But getting our blood pumping and our heart rates up always makes us feel better afterwards.

It’s the same for online learning! If you feel tired, don’t turn off your camera and slump down in your chair. That will only make you feel worse. A third of our tutors gave their top tip for unfocused students as doing things to stay engaged such as taking notes, asking questions, and even annotating on the screen.

Mr Rob’s ‘main tip is to try to get involved in discussions as much as you can.’ Ms Yang adds, ‘Take an active part and talk more about your own ideas.’ Work hard in the lesson and the time will fly by!

Take Breaks

Your phone doesn’t work when the battery is empty, and your body is just the same. Online learning is hard on our eyes and minds, and it’s essential to take breaks to recharge. You might take lunchtime walks, learn a dance routine between classes, or simply grab a piece of fruit before your lesson. All of these things will help you get the most out of your learning time.

It can also be important to take breaks during your lesson. A third of our teachers say that breaks are one of the most important things for focus. Ms Rebecca says, ‘Teachers understand that online classes can be draining, so we are happy to give students a pause if that means they can learn better afterwards.’

If you’re struggling to focus, drop a message in the private chat to tell your teacher. Mr Steven knows the importance of breaks, and if his students need to feel refreshed, he recommends they ‘wash their face, get a snack, or do a few star jumps.’

Choose the Right Place

The final popular tip from our tutors was to choose the best place for your classes. Make sure you’re in a quiet spot that’s free from distractions. This usually means somewhere quiet and away from other people, and somewhere you can sit up straight.

Mr Jamez added that the key to this is to ‘understand where the source of distraction is first.’ You can ask your teacher for advice about this, and they’ll be able to tell you whether your little sister disturbs you every week or you get up two minutes into class to print your worksheet. These little disruptions can really affect your focus, so it’s important to get rid of them.