「牛橋」Oxbridge Interviews: What to Expect

If your UCAS application is successful, you will be asked to attend an interview at either Oxford or Cambridge. Interviews are usually held in early December.

Although Oxbridge interviews are infamous for being daunting experiences, you should try to approach them as an opportunity to discuss your chosen subject and express your genuine enthusiasm for the subject. They are also a wonderful opportunity to visit the city and get a sense of whether you could see yourself living and studying there. 

If you are applying for a humanities subject, it is likely you will be given a short text to read 15-30 minutes before your interview. Your interviewer will ask you questions about the meaning of this text and your opinion of it. When reading

your interview text, it is helpful to consider the following:

· Who may have written this text?

· Why might they have written it? What is (or was, if it’s a historical text) its purpose?

· What is the meaning of the text?

· Could the text have different meanings for different people?

· What may be the modern implications or views of this text?

If you are applying for a science or mathematical subject, you may be given a question or problem to solve in your interview. You should solve this out loud and talk through your logic. With these questions/problems, it is not always necessary to get to the correct answer. The interviewer is more interested in your thought process and whether you can apply your existing knowledge to a new topic. 

When approaching an interview question or problem, consider:

· Is this question or problem similar to others I have seen?

· What other information may I need to solve this problem or question?

· Can more than one approach be taken to solve this problem or question?

· What assumptions am I making about this problem or question?

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice is key when preparing for your Oxbridge interview. Holding mock interviews with your teachers, family and friends will teach you to articulate your thought process aloud and build your confidence.

We also recommend that you look at the Youtube pages for both the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge for insight videos and examples of real interviews. 

If you know a young person preparing for an Oxbridge or other university interview, Seven Springs Education can assist with 1-to-1 online support sessions to help them prepare. 

For more information about Oxbridge applications, and to read personal accounts from alumni and interview panellists check out our Guide to Oxbridge


如果你 UCAS(英國大學及院校聯招系統)申請成功,你將被通知參加牛津大學或劍橋大學的面試,而面試通常會在12月初進行。


如果你申請人文學科,你可能會在面試前 15-30 分鐘閱讀一篇短文。 接著你的面試官會詢問你有關本文的含義,以及你對此的看法。 當你在閱讀面試文本時,考慮以下問題會對你的面試有所幫助:

· 這篇文章可能是誰寫的?

· 作者為甚麼要寫這篇文章?寫作目的是甚麼?(如果是歷史文本,則考慮當時的寫作目的。)

· 文章表達的意思是甚麼?

· 文章會否對不同人有不同的意義?

· 現代語境下,這篇文章的意義或者觀點會是甚麼?

如果你申請的是科學或數學相關學科,你可能會在面試中被要求解決一個難題。 你應該自信地解釋你的方案並闡述你當中運用的邏輯。這些難題重點不在於解決方案正確與否,面試官更感興趣的是你思考的過程,以及你是否能將現有的知識應用到新的主題上。


· 這個難題與我了解的其他難題相似嗎?

· 為了解決這個難題,我可能還需要哪些其他資訊?

· 是否可以採用多於一種的方案來解決這個難題?

· 我對這個難題做了甚麼假設?


準備「牛橋」(Oxbridge)面試時,練習是關鍵的一步。 與你的老師、家人和朋友進行模擬面試,這將訓練你學會如何清晰朗聲表達你的思考過程並建立你的自信心。


如果你身邊也有朋友正在準備牛津、劍橋或其他大學面試,Seven Springs Education可以協助提供一對一的線上支援課程,幫助他們做好準備。

如果想了解更多有關「牛橋」(Oxbridge)申請的資訊,以及瀏覽校友和面試評委的個人經歷分享,請查看我們的「牛橋」入學指南(Guide to Oxbridge)。