Students from Hong Kong Moving to the UK

The number of students from Hong Kong attending UK Independent Schools has increased significantly. Last month, the Independent Schools Council reported that 7,383 students from Hong Kong were attending UK independent primary and secondary schools, representing a 23.8% increase from last year. The number of students from Hong Kong living with their parents in the UK has also more than tripled. Currently, 1,538 students from Hong Kong live in the UK with their parents. Hong Kong students now make up 5% of all non-British independent school students whose parents live in the UK.

The council has attributed this increase in families from Hong Kong living in the UK to the UK Government’s visa scheme for British Nationals (Overseas). The BN(O) visa scheme allows individuals and their families living in Hong Kong to apply to live, work and study in the UK. Since its launch in January 2021, 103,900 applications have been made for BN(O) visas, with 21% of applicants under 35 years old.

The rapid increase in Hong Kongers living and studying in the UK has created challenges for parents and educators. Some parents from Hong Kong have reported struggling to find independent schools that will accept their children due to oversubscription for places and schools’ desire to have a mix of international students from different countries. Educators also face fresh challenges in the classroom. Some students from Hong Kong require additional attention to improve their English and support to help them catch-up in areas where the UK National Curriculum differs from the syllabus used in Hong Kong.

At Seven Springs Education, we have nearly two decades’ experience working with students from Hong Kong. We have helped countless students to improve their English, study for UK examinations and apply to UK independent schools. We understand the unique challenges that students and their families face when navigating the UK education system and have created this bilingual Welcome Pack with information for parents on UK primary and secondary schools.

Have you or someone you know recently moved to the UK? Speak to our experienced team for advice on living and studying in the UK.