Secondary Excelling in English

Enrol in our year-round, comprehensive online English language and literature course designed to give students confidence in the KS3 national curriculum, and push them beyond it to expand their knowledge and skills in preparation for GCSE study. 

Classes are 70 minutes long and have a maximum of 6 students of similar academic abilities.

Classes cost £42 a lesson.

Course Description

This course focuses on developing students’ existing foundational reading and analysis skills, as well as supporting their advance onto higher-level critical analysis and deep literary reading. Students will also refine their ability to write accurately and coherently, adapting their style and vocabulary for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

Students will be exposed to a range of texts in this course and engage with literature and non-fiction from the world’s rich and varied literary heritage, including a specific focus on the works of William Shakespeare. This breadth reflects the curriculum expectations of top schools and brings students’ reading experience in line with their peers.

Hong Kong Transition Students

This course has been specifically designed for students transitioning from the Hong Kong education system. Our team’s expert knowledge of both the Hong Kong and UK systems means we can pinpoint precise skill and knowledge areas to help them excel in English in the UK.